Intelligence is simply talking to many people

Kali Linux (including AnyDesk)

Note: sometimes a new install connects to your wifi, but there is no internet service. So (sometimes the last 3 steps don't work or are not required):

  • systemctl enable systemd-networkd
  • systemctl enable systemd-resolved
  • systemctl start systemd-networkd
  • systemctl start systemd-resolved
  • ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
  • service resolvconf restart
  • service network-manager restart

If you intend to have VirtualBox Oracle (VirtualBox is increasingly hard to install on Debian, but don't forget, there are FOSS Alternatives. VirtualBox is not the only VM software.) on the computer, you may want to do that now, since it's the only bitch to install. Should you use install virtualbox-dkms (or will that just not work)? Should you download from their website, and if so, which version (there are lots of issues reported with varios OSs and various VirtualBox editions)?

VERIFYING download is not difficult. Download it, then click on the ‘sum’ thing on the download element to see the SHA256 checksum. That number should match the number you get when you cd Downloads and:


  • Time zone: cuba, or Latin American countries are listed like 'Americas/CountryName'
  • Power Manager (otherwise it will dim after 120seconds): Keep screen from locking:
  • Top-left menu > Settings > Power Manager > (fourth tab) Security > Automatically lock: Never, and uncheck []Lock screen when system is going to sleep
  • in Power Settings, you have to click the top buttons for ‘plugged in’ and ‘on battery’ and do both
  • Menu > Keyboard > Layout, unlock the Default settings and +add Spanish, and set a ‘Change layout option.' I selected Ctrl-shift to change language input
  • Disable login screen. Didn't find a way.


  • For FONTS, just put a folder with them in home/username/.local/share/fonts
  • Kali has a bunch in user/share/fonts. You can delete some (I'm not sure which ones you can delete without losing render ability. But I deleted the Noto folder (so many fonts), roboto, and some others. I had to change the fonts in CherryTree after (File > Freferences > Fonts) urw-base35 is the one used by LibreOffice (and maybe CherryTree also). Spanish fonts: Antic, Aquiline.
  • Hindi fonts won't display unless you sudo apt-get install fonts-indic
  • Garamond font for book printing
  • .fonts in home directory acts like a place to find fonts
  • /usr/share/fonts is where pre-installed system fonts are (maybe don't delete these)
  • Or find your font location by opening Font Manager and R-click > Open location
  • Make shortcuts on Desktop to Webpages: Make webpage a Favorite in browser, then drag it onto the Desktop.
  • Change wallpaper: Settings > Settings Manager > Desktop
  • Zoom into screen with Start + scroll wheel
  • Fotowall ffrom website and make the 64-bit file executable and just launch it from the file
  • gnome-system-monitor shows internet traffic. Unlike Task Manager
  • sudo apt-get install fonts-thai-tlwg to install Thai fonts ไทย

INSTALL (already has Gparted, good text editors, Screenshot, Python, and something like Task Manager. Does not have snapd, audacity or VLC so no need to remove them).

  • sudo apt-get install hydrogen gimp kdenlive gnome-disk-utility shotwell vokoscreen libreoffice inkscape secure-delete imagemagick fonts-indic cherrytree system-config-printer cups font-manager && Systemctl enable cups
  • (after installing the Epson ecotank it was set to the wrong model and missed magenta lines. I double-clicked the printer in Print Settings and selected the actual model and it worked then, but not on ‘regular paper’ setting)

  • sudo apt-get install lmms (but the audio is scratchy)

  • sudo apt-get install openvpn
  • sudo apt-get install monodevelop (not yet)
  • sudo apt-get install ardour

  • blender comes as a tar.zy from

  • Open terminal in the folder and type tar xz blahblah.tar.xz ... (this will unpack it into a blender folder). Go in that folder. The blender file will be an executable.
  • Ardour. Have to use their site for the AppImage, and they send the DL link to your email
  • Bitwig. Check version number of your previous projects (if they were in version 3 and you install 2.4, it won't open them)


OTHER PRINTER INSTRUCTIONS (not sure if the above replaces this):



  • FIREFOX does shitty things, so do this: (watch before even DOWNLOADING) ...
  • alternatives: Brave (Chromium monopoly) and LibreWolf. has it's Terminal commands, which are currently:

yes | sudo apt install apt-transport-https curl && sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg && echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list && sudo apt update && sudo apt install brave-browser



  • See note below on AnyDesk, because inside a VM Kali doesn't seem to be able to install AnyDesk. Lubuntu from site.


  • Download from website. In folder, Terminal, then tar xf [filename]. This makes an .sfz file.
  • (that didnt work, I think maybe only sf2 files)

HTTrack (for downloading entire websites for offline reading)


YT_DLP (youtube-dl didn't work for me last time)

For mp3:

For playlist:

Virtualbox can be installed with apt install, but produces an error

Next time, try virtualbox-dkms first and see if that works

Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall virtualbox-dkms package and load the kernel module by executing

'modprobe vboxdrv'

But this doesn't work. Sudo apt upgrade it.


sudo apt install qbittorrent

Before you start, you will need: -Accounts info, to log into Bitwig, to log into any SMs in VMs (jam5, b...1,) -Don't delete old hard drive until test that Printers work, VMs work (including Guest Additions shared folder), -Don't delete the old hard drive SSD until you've tried out banking, social media)

- Don't install VirtualBox it doesn't work anymore on Debian usually. Use Qemu (foss). Actually Qemu sucks I had to use VirtualBox again. 
- AnyDesk doesn't work in Kali, but does work on an OS installed on a VM

After installing Kali (and verifying), internet might connect but not work. Do: 

systemctl enable systemd-networkd
systemctl enable systemd-resolved
systemctl start systemd-networkd
systemctl start systemd-resolved

UPDATES AND INSTALLS Takes a few minutes ... meanwhile do the setup things which follow

(Kali already has Gparted, good text editors, Screenshot, Python, and Task Manager Does not have snapd, audacity or VLC so no need to remove them). It also already has vim so you can write bash scripts with .sh suffix. It doesn't have nano.

sudo apt-get install hydrogen gimp gnome-disk-utility shotwell vokoscreen libreoffice inkscape secure-delete imagemagick fonts-indic fonts-thai-tlwg xinput cherrytree gdebi gdebi-core clamav clamtk gnome-system-monitor system-config-printer cups font-manager && sudo systemctl enable cups

(note that some things might and require dependencies and then retry, like gdebi/gdebi-core)

(xinput allows you to disable touchscreen and other things)

(graphical gdebi is gdebi-gtk. I don't know if this note is needed)

(kdenlive is better as an appimage because they do updated versions which don't work (freeze upon render). Don't use new versions, either, although they do have some effects. 19.04 works but rendered images just all white for me last time, so I used version 17 (there's still other version 20s I didn't try yet), and can be downloaded from videohelp, although check it for malware. Kdenlive doesn't offer old versions on their site.)

Set-upNote: sometimes a new install connects to your wifi, but there is no internet service. So (sometimes the last 3 steps don't work or are not required):

    systemctl enable systemd-networkd
    systemctl enable systemd-resolved
    systemctl start systemd-networkd
    systemctl start systemd-resolved
    ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
    service resolvconf restart
    service network-manager restart


(NOTE on VMs: I couldn't get Qemu to work nice (screens wouldn't resize, VMs would time out then not boot again, etc, so I went back to VirtualBox)
If you intend to have VirtualBox Oracle (VirtualBox is increasingly hard to install on Debian, but don't forget, there are FOSS Alternatives. VirtualBox is not the only VM software.) on the computer, you may want to do that now, since it's the only bitch to install. Should you use install virtualbox-dkms (or will that just not work)? Should you download from their website, and if so, which version (there are lots of issues reported with varios OSs and various VirtualBox editions)? I have an Install Qemu Virtual Manager on Kali .txt document here, if you want to try Qemu again.)

Verifying download is not difficult. Download it, then click on the ‘sum’ thing on the download element to see the SHA256 checksum. That number should match the number you get when you cd Downloads and:

    shasum -a 256 kali-linux-2022.1-live-i386.iso
    (or whatever your download is called)
    it takes a few seconds to retrieve the number in Terminal.

(after installing the Epson ecotank it was set to the wrong model and missed magenta lines. I double-clicked the printer in Print Settings and selected the actual model and it worked then, but not on ‘regular paper’ setting)

Virtualbox Oracle install: 


and reboot (if necessary. Maybe you can just use the program without rebooting). 

If you get an error that ends in (initramfs) in the VM when it boots, type 
(initramfs) fsck /dev/sda1 -y
(the -y means you won't have to type y a hundred times.)
... or ... /sdaX

Sometimes gives ‘modprobe vboxdrv’ error. 
(Troubleshooting if stuff doesn't work: upgrade virtualbox-dkms took a long time and didn't make it work. Same ‘modprobe vboxdrv’ error. 
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

THINGS TO DO Would be nice to make as a script

Time zone: cuba, or Latin American countries are listed like 'America/CountryName'
Power Manager (otherwise it will dim after 120seconds): Keep screen from locking:
Top-left menu > Settings > Power Manager > (fourth tab) Security > Automatically lock: Never, and uncheck []Lock screen when system is going to sleep
in Power Settings, you have to click the top buttons for ‘plugged in’ and ‘on battery’ and do both
Menu > Keyboard > Layout, unlock the Default settings and +add Spanish, and set a ‘Change layout option.' I selected Ctrl-shift to change language input
Disable login screen. Didn't find a way.

SECONDARY THINGS Would be nice to have a script for this too

For fonts, just put a folder with them in home/username/.local/share/fonts
     Kali has a bunch in user/share/fonts. You can delete some (I'm not sure which ones you can delete without losing render ability. But I deleted the Noto folder (so many fonts), roboto, and some others. I had to change the fonts in CherryTree after (File > Freferences > Fonts) urw-base35 is the one used by LibreOffice (and maybe CherryTree also). Spanish fonts: Antic, Aquiline.
     Hindi fonts won't display unless you sudo apt-get install fonts-indic
     Garamond font for book printing
     .fonts in home directory acts like a place to find fonts
     /usr/share/fonts is where pre-installed system fonts are (maybe don't delete these)
     Or find your font location by opening Font Manager and R-click > Open location
Make shortcuts on Desktop to Webpages: Make webpage a Favorite in browser, then drag it onto the Desktop.
Change wallpaper: Settings > Settings Manager > Desktop
Zoom into screen with Start + scroll wheel
Fotowall from website and make the 64-bit file executable and just launch it from the file
gnome-system-monitor shows internet traffic. Unlike Task Manager
sudo apt-get install fonts-thai-tlwg to install Thai fonts ไทย


sudo apt-get install lmms (but the audio is scratchy)
sudo apt-get install openvpn
sudo apt-get install monodevelop (not yet)
sudo apt-get install ardour

Blender Use the AppImage in the OurPrograms folder, although another option is 
... it comes as a tar.zy from
Open terminal in the folder and type tar xz blahblah.tar.xz ... (this will unpack it into a blender folder). Go in that folder. The blender file will be an executable.
Ardour. Have to use their site for the AppImage, and they send the DL link to your email

Bitwig Hard to install because of i386 dependencies You need to install Gdebi and gdebi-core first, in order to install this .deb package, but that is done in the Updates and Installs section above (Also, check version number of your previous projects (if they were in version 3 and you install 2.4, it won't open them) sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
&& sudo apt-get update
(after these two things, the i386 unmet dependencies error disappeared) In Bitwig, set Audio to PulseAudio. Go to Settings > Behavior and turn off Data Collection. Go to User Interface and Reverse zoom direction.

Cherrytree notes make a .ctb file and save it to Desktop and set it to open default-ly with CherryTree Can increase font size by CTRL + scrollwheel User manual:

Polyphone font editor sudo apt-get install polyphone

Handbrake for converting videos to other formats, and has all codecs, I've heard

H2 Hydrogen has a similar thing but for synth/midi called SEQ24

(neovim is better than vim because you can cut/paste, but I found it stupid compared with textEditor)

(last time I installed Kali, after all the other stuff I did (including a reboot), the HP Smart Tank was able to be added with Start > Print Settings (add another one just like the one it might already detect)
(not sure if the above replaces this)
(but before that it didn't work without something from the following commands.)
(note this is a chatGPT condensed version I haven't tried:
sudo apt-get install cups cups-client "foomatic-db"
sudo -i
/usr/sbin/adduser root lpadmin
sudo service cups restart
sudo systemctl enable cups
sudo systemctl start cups
sudo apt install net-tools
ifconfig -a

    Plug in printer and find driver
    (Needs cups (Common Unix Printing System))
    sudo apt-get install cups cups-client "foomatic-db"
    (become root (necessary for next step) with:)
    sudo -i
    /usr/sbin/adduser root lpadmin
    (check if root is added with:)
    groups root
    (restart cups and kali with:)
    sudo service cups restart
    (then enable cups:)
    sudo systemctl enable cups
    (then start cups:)
    sudo systemctl start cups
    (at this point I could ‘add a printer’ in Print Settings, but it didn't offer any printer drivers despite being plugged in)
    (... so I updated, but that didn't work, so I wanted my IP, so I 
    sudo apt install net-tools     ... and
    ifconfig -a and saw my wlan0 IPs. Google saw the inet6 one
    and then while that was open in Print Settings it started suggesting the correct printer.



FIREFOX does shitty things, so do this: (watch before even DOWNLOADING) ...

alternatives: Brave (Chromium monopoly) and LibreWolf. has it's Terminal commands, which are currently:

sudo apt install apt-transport-https curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser


See note below on AnyDesk, because inside a VM Kali doesn't seem to be able to install AnyDesk. Lubuntu from site.


Download from website. In folder, Terminal, then tar xf [filename]. This makes an .sfz file.
(that didnt work, I think maybe only sf2 files)

HTTrack (for downloading entire websites for offline reading)


Don't forget, it works on Lubuntu. But doesn't seem to work on Kali
anydesk from website. Comes as a .deb file.
Missing libdgk-whatever. Upgrade DOES NOT fix this.
So far, can't get it to work, although I think I got it to work once on someone's Kali
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y gnupg2
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb all main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/anydesk.list'
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt -y update && sudo apt -y install anydesk *then, because kali isn't supported: *wget sudo dpkg -i libpangox-1.0-0_0.0.2-5.1_amd64.deb and
Once installed, you have to set up unattended access.

Otherwise, you will wait for the computer to turn on AnyDesk, and you'll pick it and connect, and it will say “password or the other computer has to press grant access”.

YT_DLP (youtube-dl didn't work for me last time)
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp

For mp3:

$ yt-dlp -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3

For playlist:

yt-dlp -f 'bv*[height=1080]+ba' --download-archive videos.txt -o '%(channel_id)s/%(playlist_id)s/%(id)s.%(ext)s'

Virtualbox can be installed with apt install, but produces an error

Next time, try virtualbox-dkms first and see if that works

Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)

The VirtualBox Linux list: • For FONTS, just put a folder with them in home/username/.local/share/fonts • Kali has a bunch in user/share/fonts. You can delete some (I'm not sure which ones you can delete without losing render ability. But I deleted the Noto folder (so many fonts), roboto, and some others. I had to change the fonts in CherryTree after (File > Freferences > Fonts) urw-base35 is the one used by LibreOffice (and maybe CherryTree also). Spanish fonts: Antic, Aquiline. • Hindi fonts won't display unless you sudo apt-get install fonts-indic • Garamond font for book printing • .fonts in home directory acts like a place to find fonts • /usr/share/fonts is where pre-installed system fonts are (maybe don't delete these) • Or find your font location by opening Font Manager and R-click > Open location • Make shortcuts on Desktop to Webpages: Make webpage a Favorite in browser, then drag it onto the Desktop. • Change wallpaper: Settings > Settings Manager > Desktop • Zoom into screen with Start + scroll wheel

Some programs can run from AppImages, so you don't need to install them: - Blender 3d -

Some programs must be installed from their .deb file (after installing Gdebi package installer, and remember you have to OPEN Gdebi program and inside it open the .deb packages. If you just go to Thunar and open the .deb with Gdebi it will crash when you click ‘install’). - BItwig 3.0 (lower versions can't open my files created in 3) -

Some printer drivers might need to be installed (from my Programs and Drivers folder) - Ecotank? -

VMs: - Banking - YouTube, social media - Work, chatGPT, CodePen, Instagram - YT-dlp (needs size) - Ableton on Windows7, with shared folder -

INTERNET SITES Do video calls with

NOTES ON VMz - Lubuntu is small, and after setting screensize it seems to work there OK, but drag and drop didn't seem to work (Kali VM does work, and screen sizing works, right out of the box) - Lubuntu with basic apps takes up almost full 6gb (do 7gb if you want LibreOffice on it, which takes like 1gb) - Lubuntu Shared Clipboard also doesn´t seem to work

MULVAD from website is a .deb have to install gdebi gdebi-core then restart and it worked


HOW TO UNDO PIPEWIRE AND REVERT TO PULSE systemctl --user unmask pulseaudio systemctl --user --now disable pipewire-media-session.service systemctl --user --now disable pipewire pipewire-pulse systemctl --user --now enable pulseaudio.service pulseaudio.socket sudo apt remove pipewire-audio-client-libraries pipewire

Arduino AppImage from if don't have the AppImage already Hello Drum library. With the Arduino IDE program opened, go to manage libraries and it will be there in the search (downloadable). I also downloaded it locally and put it in the Software Folder "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00," aka Some Dude Named Avr Won't Let Me Upload My Program ... ... This error, retry evertying, and then do Tools > Processor and try the at least 2 options 328 and 328 Old Bootloader. This worked for me.

ClamAV for antivirus/scanning sudo apt install clamav clamtk (might require an update) you can schedule

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